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post Apr 13 2019, 17:43
Создана #841


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QUOTE(KEB @ Apr 13 2019, 18:12)
Пост 831, 4 фото сверху.
Пост 832, 1 фото сверху.

Эти вещи были на одном аукционе в Лондоне
12/ 2016 и 5/2015

Красиво, но очень "" фуфельно """
Посмотрите за какие смешные деньги это было продано.
Диадема весом 20 унций Х 1300 $>>>26,000$  20,000 фунтов так вообще по лому.
Качаете , это к автору темы, отовсюду.
Но иногда задумывайтесь, что вы показываете.

Добрый день!

Не понимаю ваше возмущение? Разве предметы атрибутированны на аукционе как-то по другому? По какой цене их продали мне не интересно!
Я не являюсь экспертом и не могу ставить под сомнение если они проходят под такой информацией. В самом начале темы я указывал что:
- "Хочу сразу же оговориться, Вся информация берётся из Интернета.
За то что она 100%- я не отвечаю. Ссылки на данные страницы я не ДАЮ!(Я просто не запоминаю от куда было взято!!!)
Буду рад если тема будет пополняться и обсуждаться!!! "

Я понимаю что у нас есть эксперты которые проводят экспертизу предмета не видя и не держа их в руках. Но я таковым не являюсь. ИМХО!
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post Apr 13 2019, 18:14
Создана #842


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QUOTE(Даниль @ Apr 13 2019, 17:43)
Добрый день!

Не понимаю ваше возмущение? Разве предметы атрибутированны на аукционе как-то по другому? По какой цене их продали мне не интересно!
Я не являюсь экспертом и не могу ставить под сомнение если они проходят под такой информацией. В самом начале темы я указывал что:
- "Хочу сразу же оговориться, Вся информация берётся из Интернета.
За то что она 100%- я не отвечаю. Ссылки на данные страницы я не ДАЮ!(Я просто не запоминаю от куда было взято!!!)
Буду рад если тема будет пополняться и обсуждаться!!! "

Я понимаю что у нас есть эксперты которые проводят экспертизу предмета не видя и не держа их в руках. Но я таковым не являюсь. ИМХО!

Вот я и обсуждаю.
Подобная диадема, если бы в таком качестве от 1,000,000 не рублей и вверх.
Подвеска от 100,000 и вверх.
""" И приговаривал Балда с укоризной,
не гонялся бы ты поп за дешевизной """
Это сказал не я, а А.С. Пушкин

Сообщение отредактировано KEB: Apr 13 2019, 18:14

Константин Барковский
Гарантия пожизненная.
Все мои вещи л е г а л ь н ы е.
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post Apr 13 2019, 18:29
Создана #843


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post Apr 13 2019, 18:32
Создана #844


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post Apr 13 2019, 18:33
Создана #845


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post Apr 13 2019, 18:35
Создана #846


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post Apr 13 2019, 18:45
Создана #847


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Unknown Roman artisan, Ring with oval gem with an athlete holding a scraper (1st century BC)
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Ring with bust of Faustina II Roman, Imperial Period, 2nd century A.D.
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Griechisch, Hellenistisch, 4. - 3. Jh. v. Chr., Weltmuseum Wien
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Ancient Roman gold finger ring with a chrome chalcedony cameo of Minerva. 1st century AD. Getty Museum.
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1st - 3rd AD Roman gold bracelet.
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Various ancient pieces of jewelry from the Israel Museum, ca 14th century BCE
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This gold pendant from Cyprus exhibits exquisite craftsmanship. The main body was made in two pieces: a cone and a dome.Dating: 1400 BC–1300 BC
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Amulet with an Arrowhead, Etruscan, 5th century BC (Thorvaldsens Museum) Inventory number H1861
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Amulet with a shark's tooth, Etruscan, 5th century BC (Thorvaldsens Museum) Inventory number H1862
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Tooth pendant set in gold. Period: Late Classical. Date: 4th century B.C. Culture: Etruscan. Medium: Gold, bone.
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Tooth pendant set in gold. Period: Late Classical. Date: 4th century B.C. Culture: Etruscan.
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Pair of Bactro-Greek gold ear ornaments, Central Asia; each of loop form with spiralled gold foil decoration and granulated gold terminals, circa 3rd-1st century BC.
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Gold Greek necklace, 4th Century BC
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Greek Late 4th or 3rd century
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3rd Century AD Roman Necklace with Open-Work Disk and Snake Head Closure
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Roman-era ancient Egyptian necklace in the Louvre.
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post Apr 17 2019, 19:34
Создана #848


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A blue vase from Pompeii
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A Cameo Glass Skyphos with Charioteers
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Бутылка с «плетеным» узором. Дутое стекло. Конец I—II в. н. э. Главное управление археологического имущества области Венето
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diatreta glass with Greek inscription, 3rd or 4th c., from Braunsfeld
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Greek Gold Horse Earrings with Dangles, 5th-3rd Century BC
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Gold and amber earrings with head of a black youth, Hellanistic period, Etruscan, circa 200-100 BC
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Earring with the head of Dionysos;gold, with a garnet; Hellenistic, late IV/III century bc”
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Greece | Pair of hollow gold (gold leaf) bracelets. Ø 7,8 cm. 64 and 65 grs | ca. 4th century BC.
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A ring from the Roman Empire, dated to the 1st - 3rd centuries AD. The head of a mountain goat - the horns are distinctive - but with the addition of a distinct crescent moon each side.
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post Apr 17 2019, 19:46
Создана #849


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Brooch In the Form of a Chimera Etruscan, 525-500 BC The British Museum
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Etruscan amber-and-gold jewelry C.500BC
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Etruscan Gold Jewelry: Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Etrucan gold necklaces from Camposcola Necropolis, Vulci.
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Orecchino d'oro dalla necropoli etrusca di Spina - Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Ferrara
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Placchette dalla tomba Aureli 11 di BolognaVII secolo a.C. Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico. Etruscan gold
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Kyathos à relief en bucchero. 1ère 1/2 du 6e siècle av J.-C. période étrusque (8e-3e siècle av J.-C.). Paris, musée du Louvre
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La Situla della Certosa / Bronze situla from Certosa, Bologna (side with banqueters), Etruscan civilization, circa 500 B.C.
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Crimean gold and enamel necklace with rosettes and grain-shaped pendants, dated to 425-400 BCE.
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Pair of Earrings with Tortoises | Pakistan, Taxila region (?), 1st-2nd century, earrings - Repoussé and cast gold
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Греческий браслет в виде змей. Золото, аметист 3-2 в. до н.э.
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A Roman gold ring for an officer. The Leigo VI was established in 58 B.C. and was awarded the honorific title "Claudia Pia Fidelis" under Emperor Claudius, ca. 2nd -3rd century A.D. (Вторая версия... 11 Клавдиев, а не 6 Железный)
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Ancient Roman Gold Signet Ring 2nd Century AD
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Finger Ring Inscribed with the Cartouches of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Joint reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, circa 1473-1458 BC, green jasper and gold
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Scarab ring, emblem of Hathor. New Kingdom (ca. 1550-1069 BC).
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Scarab Finger Ring Period: New Kingdom Dynasty: Dynasty 18 Reign: reign of Thutmose III Date: ca. 1479–1425 B.C.
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Gold Ring with Scarab from Old Egypt
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post Apr 17 2019, 20:03
Создана #850


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A Seljuk niello and gold Ring
Persia, 12th/ 13th Century
Bonhams gallery
the rectangular bezel with a blank quatrefoil cartouche, the spandrels in niello with arabesque designs, the shank and band with applied floral interlace and further details in niello
2.2 cm. high
Sold for £ 1,750 inc. premium
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Wonderful parthian Peacock Ring
1st-2nd century
Diameter: 1.80 x 2.30 x 1.00 cm
Medium: gold and chalcedony
The Cleveland Museum of Art
Made of gold inset with chalcedony, a type of quartz, this simple yet elegant signet ring has timeless appeal. A skilled artisan carved a peacock into the oval stone creating an emblem that would have had personal meaning for the owner.
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Near Eastern, Iranian, Persian
525–330 B.C.
Dimensions: Diameter: 5.1 cm (2 in.)
Medium or Technique: Gold with inlays of turquoise, carnelian, and lapis lazuli
mfa museum
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RAN Ancient Sasanian gold finger ring with a lapis lazuli intaglio depicting a falcon attacking a duck. 6th century AD. privategallery
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Golden cup from the Iran 1000_1200BC( Marlik, a site southwest of the Caspian Sea in northern Iran)tomb26
This stunning goblet, notable for the high quality of its craftsmanship, presents an outstanding synthesis of Iranian and Mesopotamian elements.
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Drinking Cup, 1st century B.C., Parthian. Gilt silver, inlaid glass and semiprecious stones
Gilded and inlaid with gems and glass, this silver cup demonstrates how artistic styles intermingled in the ancient Near East in the first century B.C. The cup's floral decoration comes from Hellenistic Greek models, but the execution of the decoration is not Greek. The closest parallels for the workmanship are found in Bactria. ⠀

Bactria, today in modern Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, was part of the Persian Empire until Alexander the Great conquered it. This complicated political history left its legacy in the art. Bactria was a prosperous and wealthy area, and its silversmiths incorporated both Greek and Near Eastern elements in their work. .
Geety museum(Los Angeles)
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Shapur II Hunting Sassanian Silver Plate
Date: ca. 5th century A.D.
Medium: Silver, mercury gilding
Lacma collection (Los Angeles Museum of Art)
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IRAN (Medes) silver vessel
Materials Silver
Iran_Kalma_karah #cave Lurestan
8th-7th BCE
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from Eastern Iran, made between the 11th & 12th century(seljuk)
bracelets gold, shanked from gold sheet with soldered cats on it. 5.89 cm high and 6.15 cm wide, this is also inset with spinels. The bracelets are in the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyya Museum kuwait
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This ring is from Eastern Iran, made between the 11th & 12th century. It is 2.19cm wide and 2.3cm tall. The ring is made from gold, set with turquoise and niello. It is in the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyya Museum kuwite
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post Apr 17 2019, 20:17
Создана #851


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Ring romе Gold
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Medieval German Gold ring, the beaded hoop terminating at globules at the shoulders, supporting the round flat bezel with beaded border enclosing a cloisonné pattern of three trefoils on a dark blue ground. German, 9-11th centuries A.D.
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Byzantine Gold Cross Pendant, 12th-14th Century AD
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Gold Colchis (Vani archaeological discoveries)
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fibula silver with golden covers
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Antique Intaglio Jewelry | carnelian intaglio from the 1st century BC
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Golden bird on display in the Gold Museum, Bogotá, Colombia
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Graeco-Etruscan. Gold finger-ring; pointed oval bezel with design in relief: erotic symplegma of satyr and nymph.
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Large antique bronze cross from byzantine period, with gold and 5 rubies and fixed on a chain made of gold and oxydised silver with rubies.
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Unusual gold necklaces from Alleberg, Färjestaden and Möne
The Swedish History Museum contains three unique exhibits. These are gold necklaces discovered at different times and places, but it can be said with confidence that they belong to the same epoch.
The first ornament was found in 1827 at the foot of Mt. Alleberg in West Sweden. The item dates back to the 5th century AD and is the work of a Scandinavian craftsman who made it from melted-down Roman coins. The necklace consists of three rings, weighing 620 grams, with 105 reptile figures and human masks twined into it. A copy of this collar is stored in Falbygdens Museum, located in Falkoping.
The second necklace was discovered in 1860 on the Swedish island of Öland, in Färjestaden. This relic is more massive, consists of five rings, weighs 707 grams, and is decorated with 74 figures.
The third collar was found in 1864 in Möne, Västergötland. It’s an item consisting of seven rings, with 458 figures, weighing 823 grams.
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Gold, Granata Mtskheta. Principality # 905 tomb Museum: Museum Foundation: Archaeology Period: AD. Sec. II-III centuries
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Ring with Ancient Roman Amethyst Intaglio, Emma Quist.
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Greek Gold and Amethyst Ring, 1st Century BC Ring with 3 gazelles on the hoop holding an oval mounting with a carved amethyst depicting a female draped bust with stephané and cornucopia and corn ear.
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Ancient Roman Garnet Intaglio Gold Ring
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Gold bracelet from the Tomb of Shoshenq II (r. 887-885 B.C.) mounted with a lapis lazuli scarab,from Tanis.3rd Intermediate,22nd Dynasty
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Gold and Garnet Serpent Ring, Roman.
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Roman Gold Ring dated back to 1-100 CE. Featuring snakes and Herakles Knot.
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Golden Brooch in the form of a falcon.
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The oldest spangenhelm of the Baldenheim type found in 1901 in an Alamanna tomb in Gültlingen, 35 kilometers from Stuttgart
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post Jul 24 2019, 20:25
Создана #852


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post Oct 9 2019, 17:10
Создана #853


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post Oct 9 2019, 17:18
Создана #854


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post Oct 9 2019, 17:20
Создана #855


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post Nov 19 2019, 17:17
Создана #856


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Engraved Gem Inset Into a Hollow Ring. Roman, 1st century B.C.
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Celtic Glass Bracelets, 200 BC
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Roman Gold and Onyx Cameo Ring, c. 4th-5th Century AD
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Roman Jasper Ringstone, c. 1st-2nd Century AD
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Greek Gold Necklace with Amber Pendants. c. 6th-4th Century BC
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Mycenaean Gold Necklace, 16th Century BC
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post Nov 19 2019, 17:32
Создана #857


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Ribbon Glass Bottle. Place of origin: Italy or Eastern Mediterranean. Date: 1st century
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Attic Red-Figure Cup. Artist: Attributed to the Foundry Painter (Greek (Attic), active 500 - 470 B.C.)
Culture: Greek (Attic) Place of origin: Athens, Greece
Date: ca. 480 B.C. Medium: Terracotta
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Finger ring in the form of a rearing cobra. Period: Meroitic
Date: A.D. 30–175 Place of origin: Meroe, Beg. West, Nubia (Sudan) Medium: Silver
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Голова Геркулеса. Камея. Сардоникс-Оникс. 27 ДО Н. Э. — 14 СЕ. Инв. На № 25851. Неаполь, Национальный Археологический Музей
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Centaur. Cameo. Sardonyx. 2nd century B.C. Inv. No. 25889. Naples, National Archaeological Museum.
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Cameo of Hercules and the Nemean Lion, 1st century BC (onyx) Museo Nacionale Archeologico, Naples
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Ring adorned with a cameo depicting a satyr and nymph. Gold, carnelian, onyx. Approx. 50 BC - 20 CE. Weight 10.08 g, with a cameo 3,25 × 2,27 cm. Berlin State Museums, Old Museum.
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Cameo with Bust of the Goddess Isis. Culture: Greek (Ptolemaic)
Place of origin: Alexandria, Egypt
Date: ca. 200–31 B.C. Medium: Cameo: Banded agate; modern mount: gold
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Cameo. Culture: Greek (Ptolemaic) Place of origin: Egypt
Date: 2nd century B.C. Medium: Banded agate
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Intaglio with Bust of Demosthenes. Artist/Maker: Dioskourides (Greek, active late 1st century B.C.) Culture: Roman. Place of origin: Rome, Italy
Date: ca. 25 B.C. Medium: Intaglio: amethyst; antique mount: gilt silver.
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post Nov 19 2019, 17:39
Создана #858


Группа: Забанены
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Amulet of a Walking Ram
Lapis lazuli amulet of a walking ram, symbol of the god Amun, with gold solar disc crown, base and shrine case. The god Amun is depicted as a ram-headed lion on the repoussé decorated case.

Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, reign of Psusennes I, 1047-1001 BC. Gold and lapis lazuli, from the tomb of general Wendjebauendjed, Tanis. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
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A Pair Of Gold and Garnet Earrings Of Eros, Hellenistic Period, circa 2nd - 1st Century B.C.
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Necklace. Date: 18th-17th century B.C. Medium: Gold, agale, cornelian
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Amethyst engraved with a portrait of the emperor Costantius II, Roman, about AD 360
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Ancient Gold Diadem; Greece, 2nd–3rd Century, B.C.
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Gold finger ring
Egyptian, Roman Period, probably 2nd century A.D. Brooklyn Museum
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Gold pendant in the form of a goat. Date: 1700-1550 B.C. Place of origin: Crete
Period/culture: Minoan. Medium: Gold
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post Nov 19 2019, 18:03
Создана #859


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Металлоискатель: Garrett AT pro
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Necklace with Bes and Taweret pendants
Egyptian, New Kingdom, c. 1539-1292 B.C. gold, faience, and carnelian. Brooklyn Museum
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Roman Necklace
Gold and glass paste-bead necklace, 6th - 5th C BC. From a sarcophagus at Fidene, Rome. Palazzo Massimo, Rome.
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Diadem. Period: Late Period-Ptolemaic Period
Date: 4th–2nd century B.C. Place of origin: Egypt
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Snake bracelet. Place of origin: Egypt (?)
Date: 50 B.C. - A.D. 50 Period: Roman Imperial period. Medium: Engraved gold
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Pair of earrings. Place of origin: Syria-Palestine
Date: A.D. 3rd century. Period: Roman Imperial period. Medium: Gold with restored setting.
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Bracelet with ram heads.
Date: ca. A.D. 3rd century. Period: Roman Imperial period. Medium: Gold
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The Erickstanebrae Fibula (and details)
Roman, c. A.D. 303 gold. LACMA
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Hollow cylindrical amulet. Egyptian (from Saqqara), Middle Kingdom, c. 1938-1759 B.C.
gold. Brooklyn Museum
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Set of jewelry (with detail of gold and rock crystal disks) Etruscan, Late Archaic Period, early 5th century B.C.
gold, glass, rock crystal, agate, and carnelian. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Gold necklace pendants and beads from Mesopotamia (perhaps Dilbat) Old Babylonian Period, c. 18th-17th century B.C.
Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Wing brooch from Pannonia. Roman, A.D. 100-200
silver, gold, and carnelian. Metropolitan Museum of Art
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The Helmet of Agighiol is a Geto-Dacian silver helmet dating from the 5th century BC, housed in the National Museum of Romanian History, Bucharest. It comes from the Agighiol area, in the Tulcea County, Romania. The helmet is similar to the Helmet of Coţofeneşti and three other Getian gold or silver helmets discovered so far.

The ancient Dacians, Getae and Thracians were ancient people related to each other who lived in southeastern Europe over 2000 years ago, in today’s Romania and Bulgaria. The Dacians and the Getae from north of the Danube river were united by Burebista in 82 BC, under the name of Dacia. The Getae from south of the Danube were called Moesians (Moesia). The Thracians were located below Moesia.
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The Tiryns Signet Ring, Late Helladic period, c. 15th century BC
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Celtic Gold Ribbon Torc, found near Belfast, Co. Antrim, Ireland, c. 1200-1000 BC, Late Bronze Age Ireland
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Greek Gold Wreath, 2nd century BC
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Greek Gold Wreath of Oak Leaves and Flowers, possibly from Attica, Greece, late 2nd - early 1st century BC
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Greek Gold Oak Leaf Funerary Wreath, c. 5th-3rd Century BC
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Graeco-Thracian Bow Fibula with Herakles Knots, 4th Century BC
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Roman Gold Military Leaf Pendant Pair, 1st-2nd century AD
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Girdle of Princess Sithathor
This girdle of the Princess Sithathor is made of eight gold, half-open cowry shells. The ones at each end have flat reverses, and were joined by means of grooves to serve as a clasp, fastening the girdle when they slid one into the other. The shells are separated from each other by rhomboidal polychrome beads of carnelian, feldspar, and lapis lazuli.

Gold cowry shells were imitations of the real cowry shells that had been used in belts, bracelets, anklets, and necklaces since the pre-dynastic period. People thought that cowry shells possessed powerful magical properties and increase female fertility.

Princess Sithathor was a daughter of King Senusret II, and was most probably a sister of Senusret III, as she was buried within his pyramid complex at Dahshur. Very fine pieces of jewelry that belonged to her were found in her tomb; they are now preserved in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, reign of Senusret II, ca. 1897-1878 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 30858
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Roman ring. 3rd / 4th century CE
Rheinland-Pfalz. Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier
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Roman Tinned Copper Cavalry Parade Helmet, c. Late 2nd-Early 3rd century AD
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Roman Gold Phallic Ring, c. 1st-2nd Century AD
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post Nov 22 2019, 18:07
Создана #860


Группа: Забанены
Сообщений: 950
Зарегистрирован: 22-July 10
Из: г Пермь
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Металлоискатель: Garrett AT pro
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Satyr (Etruscan 6th Century B.C.)
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Roman Egyptian gold serpent ring with garnets, c. 30 BCE to 323 CE. From Timeline Auctions
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Egyptian gold ring with jasper and lapis lazuli inlays, New Kingdom, 1550-1077 BCE. From Timeline Auctions.
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Roman openwork gold ring with carnelian intaglio of a goddess, c. 1st-2nd centuries CE. From Timeline Auctions.
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Roman gold and glass earrings, c. 1st-3rd centuries CE. From Timeline Auctions
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Iron Age Celtic gold double-spiral ring (shown twice above) c. 2nd century BCE to 1st century CE. From Timeline Auctions
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Roman gold and chalcedony intaglio gem pendant depicting a female face, possibly Medusa, c. 2nd-3rd centuries CE. From Timeline Auctions.
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Lebes with prancing horses. Place of origin: Italy, Campania
Date: 600-501 B.C. Period: Archaic. Medium: Bronze

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Bottle. Culture/Place of origin: Eastern Mediterranean
Period: Roman. Date: A.D. 1st century. Medium: Blue glass
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Small Perfume Bottle (Amphoriskos). Culture: Egyptian
Date: 6th century - 4th century B.C. Medium: Glass, sandcore
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Pair of Earrings with Three Pendants in the Form of Birds. Date: late 6th century B.C.
Place of origin: Right bank of the Dnieper-Bug estuary, Northern Black Sea Coast
Archaeological site: Neсropolis of Olbia. Medium: Gold, silver
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